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Stephanie G. Sosnowski BS, IBCLC, RLC, ICCE
ICEA Certified Childbirth Educator; International
Board Certified Lactation Consultant; Microbirth Approved Provider



Birth and Breastfeeding:
Education and Support

Confused about all the scary stories your friends and family members are telling you about what to expect for labor, birth and breastfeeding?
Worry no more! I can help you sort through all of your options, and help you to discover the strength within yourself to birth your baby with comfort and joy.
Virtual class sessions for childbirth, breastfeeding and the infant microbiome are currently available.
Giving birth is an experience you will never forget - make it the best you can by becoming an educated consumer!
I am now able to accept some insurances as payment.
Please visit The Lactation Network for further information.
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