Stephanie G. Sosnowski BS, IBCLC, RLC, ICCE
ICEA Certified Childbirth Educator; International
Board Certified Lactation Consultant; Microbirth Approved Provider


Free Initial Consultation
Confused about all the scary stories your friends and family members are telling you about what to expect for labor, birth and breastfeeding?
Worry no more! I can help you sort through all of your options, and help you to discover the strength within yourself to birth your baby with comfort and joy.
My classes for you and your partner (and whomever else will be with you during your labor and birth) are done in the privacy of your home, or virtually.
Contact me to discuss how best to work around your schedule!
Phone & Email Support
Once you have taken your class, I am available by phone and email to answer any further questions that you may have.
Childbirth Coaching Class
Your schedules are jam-packed, so my Express classes are just what you need! Contact me to schedule a one-time 4 hour session, or we can make other arrangements that are mutually convenient. Every class includes a guidebook, role play and activities. And you are always welcome to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have.
As an independent childbirth educator, your questions and concerns will be addressed openly and honestly. My classes are NOT about learning how to do breathing patterns! My focus is on the fact that YOUR body KNOWs how to birth - so our time is spent on learning how to reduce your fears, and help yourself to prepare for the birth that YOU want to have. We will also practice Yoga positioning for relaxation and birth.
It is best to take the class in your third trimester - please don't wait until the last 6 weeks!!

As a Birth Educator and Lactation Consultant,
I will:

Provide you with information
I will support YOUR decisions to have the birth and breastfeeding experience that works for YOU! This is YOUR baby, and my job is to help you get to YOUR goals, not mine!
Prenatal Breastfeeding classes
As a Board Certified Lactation Consultant, I will provide you with up-to-date, evidence-based information about how lactation works, and how to make it work for you. Included is information about going back to work, pumping, and how to know that your baby is getting enough to eat. Breastfeeding may be natural, but taking a class will just help you avoid many of the "Booby Traps" that interfere with successful and painless breastfeeding.
This 1.5 hour session is designed for expectant parents, but if dad can't make it, feel free to bring a friend, your mother, or any other support person. I suggest taking the class early in your third trimester.
Provide you with a care path for breastfeeding success, on your terms
Whether you want to breastfeed for 1 day or 1 year or more, I can help you figure out what will work for you and your lifestyle.
Provide you with a receipt that you can submit to your insurance company.
However, I cannot guarantee that they will reimburse you.
Microbirth Prenatal Class
A fresh new class for expectant parents in their first trimester, or sooner!
Must-know information to ensure best outcomes for your baby's long term. health. In just 2 hours, you'll know all about the choices that impact both family and baby. Plus you'll have the necessary information to make those choices for a conscious place.
Email me to be placed on the waiting list!
Breastfeeding help is here!
Breastfeeding is not supposed to hurt, but if it does, call me as soon as you can! If I can't help you over the phone (free 5 minute phone or virtual consult), then we can schedule an appointment for a home visit. Fees are determined by how far you live from me. Included with the initial 2 hour consult is telephone follow up to make sure that things are going smoothly.
Some insurance plans may cover my sessions.
Lactation Consultant Services:
Up to 2 hour home visit (within 10 miles of Campbell Hall) - $150. Includes follow up virtual visits as needed.
Up to 2 hour home visit - more than 10 miles from Campbell Hall - $200
Virtual Visit: Initial 10 minute consult - no cost. $30 per 30 minutes.
Sullivan County Home Visits - $225-$275 (depends on location)
Fees include free follow up texts/phone calls as needed.
I provide a detailed receipt so that you can submit it to your insurance company and try for reimbursement.
Please contact me to discuss sliding fee scale for my services!
Childbirth classes:
5 hour Express private class in Orange County - $200 per couple, in your home. Travel time is billed separately, $30 per hour.
Microbiome Prenatal Class Virtual ONLY
Community Referrals
Looking for other help? I have been working in the human services field in the region for more than 20 years, and have lots of resources for you!